Does this mean that, absent a Supreme Court decision next week invalidating
BCRA section 201 and/or section 203, a corporate or union ad run on Meet the
Press next Sunday (the 14th) mentioning Howard Dean's name is subject to the
BCRA disclosure and segregated-fund requirements?
----- Original Message -----
From: "" <>
To: "Marty Lederman" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 11:56 AM
Subject: who is on the D.C. presidential primary ballot
D.C. is holding presidential primaries for the
Democratic and Green Parties, but not the Republican
The candidates on the Democratic ballot in DC are
Dean, Braun, Sharpton, Kucinich and LaRouche. The DC
city council decided on December 2 not to pass a
proposed bill that would have forced the "missing"
major Democrats to appear whether they want to or not.
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