Subject: news of the day 12/8/03
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 12/8/2003, 8:22 AM
To: election-law

NY Times Endorses DRE Paper Trail

See here. Thanks to Douglas Kellner's post to the Votingtech list for bringing this to my attention.

"High court takes up Pennsylvania political map"

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette offers this report.

"No Confidence Vote: Why the Current Touch Screen Voting Fiasco Was Pretty Much Inevitable"

Robert X. Cringely offers these thoughts.

Some Iowa Stations Refuse to show Al Sharpton on Saturday Night Live

See this Des Moines Register report. Thanks to Kieran Williams who called this to my attention, and asks: "I'd be curious to know whether the list's readers agree that Iowa NBC's lawyers indeed 'must not have finished law school,' as the Sharpton campaign alleged."

"Supreme Court Takes Gerrymandering Case"

See this Heart newspapers report, previewing the Wednesday Supreme Court argument in Vieth v. Jubelirer. See also this oped column by Martin Dyckman.

Media Exemption to Campaign Finance Laws to Be Challenged Directly by NRA

Frequent readers of this blog know that one of the more interesting and troubling aspects of campaign finance regulation is the exemption to otherwise applicable limits on corporations for the institutional media. The issue may well be discussed in at least some of the opinions the Supreme Court will issue in the McCain-Feingold case, perhaps as early as Tuesday.

In the meantime, see NRA Seeks Status as a News Outlet in the Washington Post. The article begins: "Hoping to spend as much as it wants on next year's elections, the National Rifle Association is looking to buy a television or radio station and declare that it should be treated as a news organization, exempt from spending limits in the campaign finance law.

"We're looking at bringing a court case that we're as legitimate a media outlet as Disney or Viacom or Time Warner," the NRA's executive vice president, Wayne LaPierre, said in an interview. "

"Democrats Worried By Emerging Liberal Force"

More on the new 527 organizations in this Seattle Times report. See also Money, Votes, Pursued for Democrats in the Washington Post.

"Smith Says He Wasn't Bribed on Medicare"

A.P. offers this report.

Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax