Subject: from the court... in vieth
Date: 12/11/2003, 6:23 AM
CC: Rick Hasen <>

Here are a few paraphrased tidbits from the oral argument in Vieth, 
which I attended with my students yesterday.  Some of the comments 
repeat the description in SCOTUSBLOG and in Roy's post, but I figured 
I might as well send them along since I had already wrote this up 
(although these are not from notes, so take Roy's post as more 

In short, it was rough sledding for the Appellants.  By the end of the 
argument it seemed more likely to me that the Court would reverse 
Bandemer and hold partisan gerrymandering claims nonjusticiable, than 
it would strike down the Pennsylvania plan.  The reasons were what we 
all predicted:  the lack of any administrable standards to define when 
such a gerrymander rises to a constitutional violation and the fear 
(ironic though it may be) of venturing farther into the political 

The tone for the whole argument was set by Justice OâConnorâs first 
comment:  ãMaybe the lesson since Bandemer ö given that no court has 
found an unconstitutional partisan gerrymander ö is that we should get 
out of this mess altogether.ä  ãHands offä, I think she said.

Justice Scalia agreed, asking ãisnât it peculiar for us to recognize 
the possibility of a constitutional violation but then never find a 
situation which satisfies the standard.ä  He also later suggested that 
Article I leaves these disputes in the hands of state legislatures.

The Chief Justice pressed:  There is nothing in our constitutional 
tradition for holding these gerrymanders unconstitutional ö nothing in 
the text or traditions or history.  If you look at people like Canon 
and Dirksen ö partisanship has always been a part of this process.  No 
one has believed that partisanship should be removed from the 
process.  Indeed, the word democracy isnât even in the Constitution.  
[Scalia interjected ö let alone party]

The lionâs share of the argument was dedicated to the appellants 
proposed standard, namely that a constitutional violation occurs when 
the party receiving a majority of the votes consistently cannot win 
even close to a majority of the seats.  Not a single Justice appeared 
willing to sign on to this standard.  In fact, it was unclear to me 
whether the Justices even understood it.  It reminded me of the famed 
(and rejected) Banzhaf index from the one-person, one-vote cases.  The 
Justices seemed likewise suspicious that judges (or anyone) could 
figure out whether the congressional delegation was consistently 
unreflective of majority will.

>From their responses, it appeared the Justices thought of this as 
either (1) a standard that might always be satisfied or (2) a 
potential morasse in which claims always get thrown into courts, and 
we rely on experts to fight it out as to whether the data show a 
continued denial of majority rule.  Paul Smith for the Appellants 
analogized the inquiry to a Section 2 VRA case.

Justice Breyer remarked:  What you are describing here is government 
by experts, not government by the people.  [At which point, I wanted 
to ask him: ãYour point being?ä]

Then Breyer said:  This reminds me of what John Kenneth Galbraith used 
to say: ãIâd rather be governed by 50 people chosen at random than by 
the faculty of Harvard University.ä

Justice Scalia interrupted: ãIt was William F. Buckley, who said that.ä

Justices Stevens and Breyer kept trying to suggest alternative 
standards grounded either in Powellâs Bandemer concurrence (Stevens) 
or in Shaw (Breyer). 

Stevens suggested the state should be forced to provide at least 
one ãneutralä (i.e., unrelated to partisanship) reason for an alleged 
partisan gerrymander.

Counsel for PA said that there are no ãnonpoliticalä reasons.

Stevens suggested compactness, contiguity, respect for political 
subdivisions, reelecting incumbents of both parties [a strange choice, 
I thought ö did he not have Issacharoffâs insightful Harvard piece on 
his nightstand, like the rest of us do?].

Counsel for PA maintained that given known demographic patterns etc., 
such principles have foreseeable partisan effects.  

One other interesting Stevens moment:  he asked whether it would be 
legal for a majority party to pass a law that gave a higher salary to 
members of the majority party.  If not, how was this different?

Counsel for PA didnât really respond directly except to mention that 
the leaders of the majority party in the PA legislature actually do 
get higher salaries, owing to their additional duties.

Justice Breyer seemed to suggest a three part standard, which combined 
Shaw, Justice Stevensâs proposal and the Appellantsâ. He suggested 
that plaintiffs should demonstrate:
(1)	that partisanship was the predominant factor in a districting 
(2)	that no neutral justification could be proffered, and
(3)	that majority will was consistently frustrated

Breyer also spoke a bit about Shaw.  He said that he was against the 
standard that came out of the ãpositive gerrymanderingä [i.e., Shaw] 
cases.  He had always felt that since partisanship could be used to 
draw districts why canât we use race to draw districts to help out 
minorities.  But ãsince I lost that battle,ä perhaps we should now 
apply the same standard to partisan gerrymandering claims ö i.e., that 
partisanship cannot be the predominant factor. 

Counsel for PA reemphasized that partisanship was always part of the 
process, and he implied that no one was really injured by a partisan 

One thing that struck me was how the debate in the Court seemed 
completely detached from the mass of empirical work done on partisan 
gerrymandering.  This was all the more surprising given the excellent 
amicus briefs assembled by the Appellants from Tom Mann et al., and 
from Jacobson and Grofman (whose brief actually supported neither 
party).  [Although, like OâConnor et al, I am particularly worried 
about courts getting deeply involved in these disputes and think that 
should decide this case, I think the evidence that partisan 
gerrymanders, or any gerrymander, were more successful in 2002 than 
previously is hard to dispute.  This is due less to a function of the 
new technology, which everyone seems to emphasize, than it is to the 
stability of partisan preferences in the electorate.  People point to 
the rise in the number of independent voters out there (despite Keith 
et al., The Myth of the Independent Voter) and assume there is a huge 
mass of voters switching sides between elections or as they move down 
the ballot.  That is just not true.  Larry Bartels has the best 
article ö I think it is in the AJPS from two years ago -- on this.]

It seemed that several Justices (I think Kennedy was one) continue to 
believe that partisan gerrymanders are self-regulating ö i.e., the 
more greedy the controlling party is, the more likely it is to risk 
losing many seats.  In other words, The Honorable Bruce Cain might get 
another cite here as he did in Bandemer.  [Given the other news of the 
day ö i.e., McConnell ö I guess they have only read his early work.]

Justice Scalia stressed that losing elections may have more to do with 
the inability of the minority party to persuade people over to its 
side. How do we know they are losing because of the gerrymander? he 
Concerning administrability, Scalia asked: what would we look at ö 
party registration data? Election returns?  If so, which election 
returns and for how many elections?  How do you know in which way they 
are going to vote in the next election?  What do you do in a state 
like Minnesota where they have a vibrant third party like the Farmer-
Labor?  [Note: the Farmer Labor ãPartyä is basically merged with the 
Democratic Party.]  

On a similar note, the Counsel for PA argued that the Appellantsâ 
standard, which would look at past election returns, would inevitably 
be biased in favor of a party that was losing voters.  ãSome of these 
people have switched parties, some have died, etc.ä  Several Justices 
thought this argument was particularly clever.  It also emphasized an 
inherent difficulty in these types of cases:  you will never know for 
sure that majority will has been consistently frustrated or that one 
party has been systematically screwed until a few elections (2 or 3) 
have passed.  Then litigation might take a year or so, and before you 
know it, it is time to redistrict again.

Justice Souter didnât say much except to suggest that most of the 
predictions of the Republicans in this case came to fruition.  They 
only lost one seat that they thought they were going to win.  ãYou 
donât have to bat a thousandä to prove a constitutional violation.

For counsel for PA ö the fact that one of the expected Republican 
districts ended up going to a Democrat, showed how these gerrymanders 
are unpredictable.  [FYI ö they were discussing Congressman Jim 
Hoeffelâs district.  He was paired in a republican leaning district 
with a republican incumbent, George Gekas, and narrowly won.  He will 
now be running against Arlen Specter for Senate and his seat is likely 
to go Republican.]  Also of note, given the claim that Dems were 
completely shut out of the process:  About 40% of Democrats in the PA 
assembly voted in favor of the plan.

Justice Kennedy (the key vote if this is going to be a 5-4 decision, 
which I think it wonât) didnât say all that much; though toward the 
end he asked:  ãYour argument would apply to all elections, even down 
to every city council, water district, etc. right?ä  Paul Smith 
responded:  ãYes, even local governments can violate constitutional 

So, in short, it was a bad day for Democrats, those who want the Court 
to breathe notions of competition into the Constitution, and those of 
us who profit off redistricting chaos.  It was a good day for Tom 
Delay, political cartelmeisters, and Frankfurter enthusiasts.


Nathaniel Persily
Assistant Professor
University of Pennsylvania Law School
3400 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(o) 215-898-0167
(f) 215-573-2025