Nothing in 527 requires a political organization to be
incorporated. Section 527(e) specifically indicates that a political
organization is a "party, committee, association, fund, or other
organization (whether or not incorporated) . . .
So an unincorporated association would still be a political organization
under Section 527 and would only be taxed on its exempt function
income. Moreover, section 2501(a)(5) of the Code (I.R.C.) exempts
contributions to political organizations, as defined by 527(e) from gift tax.
So both the organization and Soros are off the hook.
In any event, there is dispute among tax people whether a 527 could
actually be subject to tax on donations even absent the code provision.
Donald Tobin
Moritz College of Law
Assistant Professor
Donald B. Tobin
Assistant Professor of Law
The Ohio State University
Michael E. Moritz College of Law
55 West 12th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: (614) 688-3539