A reminder to the list about a great resource if you are sending out
reprints or trying to find someone in the field: the election law
addressbook. If you need the password, send me a private message with
the word password in the title and I'll send it to you.
-------- Original Message --------
Thanks to the dedicated work of Loyola's Information Technology
Department (particularly Stein Husoy, Jim Kieley, and Brian Wold), the
Election Law Addressbook is available once again.
The Addressbook is a database containing the names, addresses, e-mail,
phone and website information for those in the election law field. It
also has a feature so that you can create mailing labels to send out
article reprints to those on the list.
In order for this process to work, each member of the election law list
who is interested in including information on the addressbook needs to
fill out the form (one need not fill in all the fields). Access the
page at:
The user name you should use is: election
The password is the same as the password we used for the last
incarnation of this list (when it was at Chicago-Kent). If you do not
remember this password and no longer have the information, please send
me a private message (to rick.hasen@lls.edu) with the word "password" in
the subject and I will send it to you. (If I post it here, it goes into
our permanent archives which are accessible to the public.)
Once you are in the program, you should choose the option to "add a new
Follow the same procedure to edit your information, list all members, or
get address labels.
When you list all members, you will see a grid with all the information,
including e-mail addresses and web pages that you can immediately click
Unfortunately, the address label layout feature may only be used by
those with Microsoft's internet explorer. The netscape browser will not
work. Netscape works with all other list features, however.
If you have any technical problems with these features, please let me
know. Thanks.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)736-1466 - voice
(213)380-3769 - fax
Professor Rick Hasen
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-0019
(213)736-1466 - voice
(213)380-3769 - fax