Subject: RE: McConnell v. FEC: The big picture
From: "Dan Johnson-Weinberger" <>
Date: 12/16/2003, 3:16 PM

Anecdotal 'evidence' somewhat relevant to the conversation:

I've been hearing in Illinois that state and federal candidates that wanted to work together for the primary campaign are finding it much more difficult to do so (with shared offices, etc.) under BCRA.


From: "Lowenstein, Daniel" <>
To: "Election-law Listserver (" <>
Subject: McConnell v. FEC: The big picture
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 10:55:17 -0800

    Although the task is more difficult, the sort of research Bruce is
talking about should also be done at the state level.  Does BCRA cause a
reduction in state-party campaign-related activity?  Does it cause the state
party to exclude federal candidates from some election-related

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