Strike the right of redress from the First Amendment.
Larry Levine
----- Original Message -----
From: "" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 6:38 PM
Subject: Judge Roberts' Opinion and Order
On the late afternoon of December 31, 2003, US
District Court Judge Roberts issued an opinion,
upholding a postal regulation that bans all
petitioning on post office sidewalks and parking lots.
This, despite the fact that the same postal
regulation permits leafletting. This decision is a
serious blow to candidates and groups that must gather
petition signatures. In almost all states, shopping
centers are free to bar petitioners from their
property (this is not true in California, however).
There is a scarcity of places for petitioners to do
their work. Here is Judge Roberts' opinion. I hope
for comments from anyone.
Note: forwarded message attached.
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