Subject: Penn Law Review Symposium 2/6-2/7
From: Nathaniel Persily
Date: 1/14/2004, 6:59 PM

Below you will find the schedule for the University of Pennsylvania Law
Review's upcoming symposium on the Law of Democracy, which will take
place at Penn Law School on February 6 and 7. Anyone wishing to attend
should contact Rosanna Taormina at

University of Pennsylvania Law Review
2003-04 Symposium
The Law of Democracy

Friday, February 6, 2004

12:00 - 1:15:  Lunch with Keynote Address by FEC Chairman Bradley Smith

1:30 - 3:15:   Panel I - Campaign Finance

Chair/Discussant:  Heather Gerken (Harvard)
Robert Bauer (Perkins Coie)
Rick Hasen (Loyola)
Spencer Overton (George Washington)
Nathaniel Persily (University of Pennsylvania) & Kelli Lammie (Annenberg

3:30 - 4:45:  Panel II - New Issues in the Law of Democracy

Chair/Discussant:  Pamela Karlan (Stanford)
Richard Briffault (Columbia)
Elizabeth Garrett (USC)
William Marshall (UNC)

6:30 - 9:30:  Dinner

Saturday, February 7, 2004

8:30 - 9:00:  Breakfast

9:00 - 10:30:  Panel III - New Issues in Minority Legislative

Chair/Discussant:  Samuel Issacharoff (Columbia)
Pamela Karlan (Stanford)
Ellen Katz (Michigan)
Jonathan Nagler (NYU) and Michael Alvarez (Cal. Tech.)

10:45 - 12:15:  Panel IV - Redistricting:  Case Law & Consequences 

Chair/Discussant:  Richard Pildes (NYU)
Steven Ansolabehere (MIT) and Jim Snyder (MIT)
Guy-Uriel Charles (Minnesota)
Daniel Ortiz (UVA)

12:15 - 1:30:  Lunch - Roundtable on the Texas and Pennsylvania Partisan
Gerrymandering Cases
Heather Gerken
Samuel Issacharoff
Pamela Karlan 
Nathaniel Persily
Richard Pildes

-- Nathaniel Persily Assistant Professor of Law University of Pennsylvania Law School 3400 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 (o) 215-898-0167 (f) 215-573-2025