Below you will find the schedule for the University of Pennsylvania Law
Review's upcoming symposium on the Law of Democracy, which will take
place at Penn Law School on February 6 and 7. Anyone wishing to attend
should contact Rosanna Taormina at
University of Pennsylvania Law Review
2003-04 Symposium
The Law of Democracy
Friday, February 6, 2004
12:00 - 1:15: Lunch with Keynote Address by FEC Chairman Bradley Smith
1:30 - 3:15: Panel I - Campaign Finance
Chair/Discussant: Heather Gerken (Harvard)
Robert Bauer (Perkins Coie)
Rick Hasen (Loyola)
Spencer Overton (George Washington)
Nathaniel Persily (University of Pennsylvania) & Kelli Lammie (Annenberg
3:30 - 4:45: Panel II - New Issues in the Law of Democracy
Chair/Discussant: Pamela Karlan (Stanford)
Richard Briffault (Columbia)
Elizabeth Garrett (USC)
William Marshall (UNC)
6:30 - 9:30: Dinner
Saturday, February 7, 2004
8:30 - 9:00: Breakfast
9:00 - 10:30: Panel III - New Issues in Minority Legislative
Chair/Discussant: Samuel Issacharoff (Columbia)
Pamela Karlan (Stanford)
Ellen Katz (Michigan)
Jonathan Nagler (NYU) and Michael Alvarez (Cal. Tech.)
10:45 - 12:15: Panel IV - Redistricting: Case Law & Consequences
Chair/Discussant: Richard Pildes (NYU)
Steven Ansolabehere (MIT) and Jim Snyder (MIT)
Guy-Uriel Charles (Minnesota)
Daniel Ortiz (UVA)
12:15 - 1:30: Lunch - Roundtable on the Texas and Pennsylvania Partisan
Gerrymandering Cases
Heather Gerken
Samuel Issacharoff
Pamela Karlan
Nathaniel Persily
Richard Pildes
Nathaniel Persily
Assistant Professor of Law
University of Pennsylvania Law School
3400 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(o) 215-898-0167
(f) 215-573-2025