Subject: Fair Elections: Full Representation, The Right to Vote, Re-Redistricting, More
From: "Center for Voting and Democracy" <>
Date: 1/16/2004, 7:52 AM
To: "" <Benjamin.Forest@Dartmouth.EDU>

January 16, 2004

To:   Friend of Fair Elections

Fr:   Rob Richie, Executive Director
       The Center for Voting and Democracy (CVD),

Re:  Full Representation and Ranked Choices in Prez Primaries
       Putting a Right to Vote in the U.S. Constitution
       Full Representation Continues As International Norm
       Re-Redistricting: Opening the Floodgates? 
       Activism: Interns, Berkeley, Letters, Lobbying, More 
       CVD Voices on Radio and C-SPAN and in Lectures
                       * * * * * * * * * *
(For more information about issues discussed here or to 
support our Center, visit or email us 
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these occasional newsletters, please see the end of this 
edition. This edition can be read on-line starting January 16 
                      * * * * * * * * * *

Welcome to 2004! May you enjoy Martin Luther King Day 
and have an opportunity to reflect on how we can have a 
strong, vital, truly representative democracy.

It’s already been an eventful year for electoral reformers 
nd students of elections. Here is a snapshot review, including 
links to many recent additions to our website (


This week Democrats in Washington, D.C. voted in a non-binding 
presidential primary, giving Howard Dean a win. Several candidates 
and the media ignored the primary, however – missing an opportunity
both to recognize cities as critical to the health of our society and to 
help show that it is unacceptable to deny voting representation in 
Congress to the half million residents of our nation’s capital.

On Monday, January 19, the first delegates in the race for the 
Democratic nomination will be awarded when Democrats vote 
in the Iowa caucuses. Despite the hoopla, participants likely 
will total no more than 10% of Iowa’s adults. 

Our Center’s two signature reforms – full representation for 
legislative elections and instant runoff voting for executive offices
– will be a part of the picture. All Democratic primaries and caucuses 
require that convention delegates be allocated by full representation 
(a.k.a. “proportional representation”). That means that if a candidate 
wins 20% of the vote, that candidate will win about 20% of the state’s 
delegates. The candidate who wins the most votes will win the most 
delegates – but a fair share of delegates rather than all of them, unlike 
what happens in “winner-take-all” elections.

The Democrats have established a relatively high threshold of support 
of 15% necessary to elect delegates, however. Supporters of a candidate 
who wins less than 15% of the vote in primaries therefore won’t elect 
any delegates. Given the large Democratic field, it’s quite likely that the 
15% threshold could seriously distort results in a number of primaries. 
Lower thresholds have been used – for example, Republicans had a 10% 
threshold in New Hampshire in 1980—and would be one way to address 
the problem. States with primaries also could allow voters to rank 
candidates and have voters’ ballots count toward their second choice if 
their first choice falls below 15%.

In the Iowa caucuses, in fact, participants vote in person, publicly 
declaring their preference. If their preferred candidate has less than 15% 
in their local caucus, they have the option to support another candidate. 
This chance to support one’s next choice is analogous to instant runoff 
voting – the ranked-choice system where votes count for your second 
choice if your first choice cannot win.

The sensible idea of asking people to rank candidates also has influenced 
recent polling. In the Democratic presidential race, second-choices have 
been sought in December 2003 and January 2004 polls by Gallup, the 
Los Angeles Times, MSNBC/Zogby and Pew Research Center for the 
People and the Press. Asking for a fuller set of voter preferences gives 
a fuller, more nuanced view of the election – just as using instant runoff 
voting in our elections would provide fuller, more nuanced and more 
accurate elections.

Here are some notable links about the 2004 presidential elections:

* -- Information about the 
Democratic Party rules requiring full representation in presidential 
primaries and caucuses

* --Information 
about use of ranked-choice polls

* -- Information on Charles Lewis 
and the Center for Public Integrity’s new “The Buying of the 
President 2004"

* -- E-Democracy.Org's Election 
2004 Link Directory


When I talk to students as a visiting speaker, I often ask 
participants to consider which right is most essential for 
having a free and democratic society. The discussion 
typically comes down to a choice between the right to free 
speech and the right to vote. That’s why it can come as a 
shock when I ask, “There are strong arguments for both of
these rights, but which one do we not have in our Constitution?”

The fact is that unlike nearly all democracies, the U.S. 
Constitution lacks an affirmative right to vote. The lack of 
this right has had an obvious impact over the years, from 
early disenfranchisement of most adults (including white 
males who did not own property) to the post-Reconstruction 
assault on African Americans’ voting rights in the South to 
denial of voting rights to ex-felons in a dozen states today to 
the Supreme Court majority in the Bush v. Gore ruling 
declaring that Americans have no fundamental right to vote 
for president. 

The most universal impact of the lack of a federal 
commitment to protect individuals’ right to vote, 
however, is in the decentralization of how we run 
elections in the United States. The hodge-podge 
system of rules and practices governing voting 
machines, voter registration procedures, ballot 
designs, voting hours and the like is an ongoing 
accident waiting to happen – and it happens again 
and again, even if only rarely capturing national 
attention like the debacle in Florida in 2000.

Progress has been made toward national standards 
since 2000, with passage of the Help America Vote 
Act, but we argue that it doesn’t go nearly far enough – 
and because of our decentralized framework of elections, 
it actually is having regressive impact in some states 
and has no guarantee of lasting positive impact 
in all states. 

The federal government’s failure to take strong 
leadership also has created a mess out of the 
important transition to “touchscreen” voting equipment – 
a move that should enhance voting rights of millions of 
Americans, particularly people with disabilities and 
language minorities, but which has created great concern 
about security based on the failure of most touchscreen 
systems to have a voter-verifiable audit trail. A ruling 
this week by a federal judge that ordered Florida counties 
to provice blind and physically impaired voters with 
voting machines that will let them vote without assistance 
is a big win for people with disabilities, but still leaves 
states with the need to choose among a limited, questionable 
range of voting equipment options produced by private, 
for-profit companies

In November 2003 our Center held an intriguing meeting 
to consider the merits of adding an affirmative right to vote 
in the U.S. Constitution. Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. 
made a passionate speech about his efforts on behalf of that 
amendment at the public “Claim Democracy” conference the next day. 

Below are links relating to the right to vote in the United States:

* -- A recent 
Baltimore Sun commentary by me and my colleague Steven 
Hill about the need for a federal commitment to protect 
the individual’s right to vote

* -- Papers delivered 
at our November 2003 right-to-vote roundtable

* -- Information 
about congressional legislation for a constitutional right to 
vote and an mp3 file of Congressman Jesse Jackson’s 
powerful speech at the November 2003 “Claim Democracy”

* -- This month we posted 
pdf files on recent reports from the Century Foundation and on election reform and the 2004 elections, from 
Demos and several other groups on implementation of the Help 
America Vote Act and from the Congressional Research Service 
on touchscreen voting equipment.

* -- The homepage for our Claim 
Democracy conference, with links to a range of endorsing 
organizations that work on voting issues, including D.C. Vote 
and Right to Vote.

* -- A  
Department of Justice chart on the impact of the 1965 Voting 
Rights Act that provides a stark visual demonstration of the 
oss of voting rights by African American in the late 1800s 
and their revival after 1965

* -- 
A January 2004 U.S. Census release with data on voter 
turnout based on surveys 

* --Voter turnout statistics 
from the Federal Elections Commission

We have posted Michigan State University professor Mark Jones' 
annual chart about voting methods in full-fledged democracies, 
showing that once again only a handful of major democracies do 
not use a full representation for national elections. Of 45 
democracies with a high human rights rating from Freedom 
House and at least two million people, only eight use U.S.-style 
winner-take-all, single-ember districts – and just four (Canada, 
Ghana, Mongolia and the United Kingdom) join the United States 
in using plurality voting in those district elections. 

This month Afghanistan adopted a new constitution at a national 
assembly. In the nation’s House of the People, 250 delegates will 
be elected directly through a system of full representation. (In 
addition, two delegates from each province must be women, which 
means that at least 64 delegates – just over one-quarter of the total -- 
will be female. The U.S. Congress is more than 85% male.)

Canada continues an intriguing march toward full representation. 
British Columbia has created a Citizens' Assembly on Electoral 
Reform to evaluate the province’s current voting system in comparison 
with others around the world. The citizens on the commission – 
selected by lot – will decide this year about whether to keep the 
current model or to put a new one to the votes. 

In South Korea, President Roh of South Korea in December 
presented a plan encouraged implementing full representation 
on a wider scale in national elections. In New Zealand, all voters 
in 2004 will use the choice voting form of full representation for 
health board elections.
Also on the international front, Papua New Guinea, a nation
of five million people near Australia, has re-instituted instant 
runoff voting (IRV) because of the polarizing impact of plurality.
In the first use of IRV in a special election in December 2003, 
voter error rate was lower than in American presidential elections. 
Full representation also gains steadily growing interest in the 
United States. The generally positive experience of Peoria (IL) 
with the cumulative voting method of full representation was 
affirmed by many participants at a December 2003 forum – 
Peoria is one of more than sixty jurisdictions using cumulative 
voting around the United States. Numerous colleges have 
moved toward the choice voting form of full representation – 
a system also used in city elections in Cambridge (Mass.) and 
in such private elections as the current “listener board” elections 
in the five radio stations that make up the Pacifica radio network. 
On the advocacy side, the Sacramento Bee – the daily 
newspaper of California’s state capital – came out for full 
representation in a January 1, 2004 editorial on “More ideas 
for California: State's situation demands new approaches

For more see:

* -- Professor 
Mark Jones’ release of voting methods in full-fledged major 
democracies in 2003

* -- Articles relating to full 
representation from around the world

* -- A set of 
links about British Columbia’s citizens assembly that is 
studying full representation

This month a three-judge panel of federal judges rejected 
challenges to a new congressional redistricting plan in Texas. 
One of the more transparent power-grabs in American political 
history, the 2003 Texas redistricting – just two years after 
the last redistricting – could shift seven U.S. House seats 
from Democrats to Republicans. If upheld, the ruling opens 
the door to any state – or at least those where current state 
law doesn’t block mid-decennial redistricting -- from having 
the state legislature fine-tune districts to protect incumbents 
and/or engage in partisan powergrabs every two years. The 
already-broken process of redistricting is getting far worse 
than ever, and it’s looking less likely that the federal courts 
will step into protect voters. Elected officials must be held 
accountable for the mess we’re in.  

Following are links

* -- A summary 
of congressional legislation on redistricting since the 1970’s, 
including evidence of how little effort has been made to establish 
national standards in recent years.

* -- 
News articles about the Texas redistricting controversy that are 
part of the Center’s 50-state guide to redistricting 

* -- 
Discussion about the Texas redistricting challenge and a set of links
to legal filings and opinions in the case from the Brennan Center for Justice

* -- stay 
application docket in the U.S. Supreme Court on Jackson v. Perry, the 
Texas congressional redistricting case

* -- amicus briefs 
in a political gerrymandering case before the Supreme Court and 
the text of the oral argument in that case


Our Center not only reports on how to improve elections, but 
also seeks to assist those working for reform. There are many ways
to help that are described at:

For advocates of instant runoff voting IRV) in particular, we have 
established the IRV national listserv, with some 800 participants 
now getting regular updates about ways to work for IRV in one’s 
community. There are also several state IRV listservs. It’s easy 
to sign up at:

Following are additional links about some of the groups working 
for reform and ideas about what you can do to help:
* -- The campaign website of IRV 
For Berkeley, a new citizens’ group backing Measure 1 on the 
March 2, 2004 ballot that would give the Berkeley (CA) city 
council the authority to implement IRV for city elections

* The Center 
regularly hires interns for work in its national office and 
sometimes in the field. 

* -- The Center’s 
“pending legislation” page reporting on fair elections legislation 
around the country and in Congress

* - Information 
about the use of instant runoff voting at the state conventions 
of the Republican Party of Utah – a sensible time-saver 
that is one of several reasons that can make IRV and choice 
voting attractive for non-governmental elections.

* -- Ferndale IRV, which has been the 
impetus for a growing movement for IRV in Michigan, for 
building strong support on city council and for working with 
the Mirror Newspapers this month on plans to distribute to 
72,000 homes a mock IRV demonstration ballot 

* -- Links to recent media 
coverage, including several strong letters to the editor in 
December 2003 and January 2004 by activists that advocate 
for instant runoff voting or full representation 


The Center’s core staff and board chairman John B. Anderson 
are frequent speakers at events and media sources. Thanks I 
part to the efforts of the Mainstream Media Project, this has 
been a busy month for talk shows. John Anderson, Steven Hill, 
Rashad Robinson and I have appeared on guests on more 
than a dozen programs in the past week, literally in every 
region of the country, and have several upcoming appearances, 
including on WOON in Woonsocket (RI) on February 6, on 
WRVC in Huntington (WV) on January 28 and on Voice of 
the World and on KGNU in Boulder (CO) on February 3.

In addition, John Anderson spoke at a January 11 news
conference by Open Debates on the creation of a Citizens’ 
Debate Commission for structuring presidential debates – 
one that would be broadly representative of the public 
rather than tied only to the two major parties, as is true 
of the current Commission for Presidential Debates. The 
event was covered by C-SPAN. C-SPAN also had 2000 
presidential candidate Ralph Nader on as a guest on 
“Washington Journal” on January 5, during which he praised 
by the Center by name for our work on electoral reform. 
These appearances are still available to be viewed on the 
C-SPAN webpage – to find and watch them, use the 
search engine

John also addressed an event on the Electoral College 
organized this week by the League of Women Voters of 
Washington, D.C., while in coming weeks I will speak 
to classes at Harvard Law School, Washington and Lee 
niversity and George Washington University. The Center’s 
other staffers also frequently address events and classes; 
please contact us if interested in finding a speaker about 
fair elections and a vital democracy at your college or in 
your community.


We send out newsletters about once a month. If you do 
not want to receive them, let us know by replying to this 
message with the word "remove" in the subject or your 
message. If you would like to subscribe, please send an 
email to

The Center for Voting and Democracy is a non-profit 
organization based in Washington D.C. We are devoted 
to increasing public understanding of American politics 
and how to reform its rules to provide better choices and 
fairer representation. Our website ( 
has information on voting methods, redistricting and voter 
turnout. As we rely heavily on individual donations, 
please consider a contribution by mail (6930 Carroll 
Avenue, Suite 610, Takoma Park MD 20910) or on-line 

Thank you!

Rob Richie, Executive Director
The Center for Voting & Democracy,

6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 610
Takoma Park, MD 20912
(301) 270-4616

"Make Your Vote Count!"