Subject: news of the day 1/22/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 1/22/2004, 7:18 AM
To: election-law

"DSCC Embraces Blog"

Roll Call offers this report (paid subscription required), which begins: "Hoping to expand its base of contributors in the new campaign fundraising era, Senate Democrats have launched a Web site designed to tap into the growing community of Internet-savvy contributors unearthed in the past year by presidential candidate Howard Dean. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 'soft launched' on Wednesday to a select group of loyal contributors and lobbyists — the first step in its attempt to create a cyberspace community for Democratic activists and donors. A broader roll out, perhaps including banner advertising on other Web sites, will occur at a later date."

"Democrats Won't Get Justice Memo: Texans Say Document Could Embarrass GOP"

The Washington Post offers this report, which begins: "" The Justice Department has formally refused a demand from Texas Democrats to release a lengthy internal memo about a Republican redistricting plan that experts believe could produce a GOP gain of as many as seven House seats in that state later this year, according to documents and officials. The internal legal opinion, which includes a 73-page narrative and 1,750 pages of accompanying documents, is eagerly sought by 14 Democratic House members from Texas as part of their attempt to halt the GOP redistricting."

"What's Next for Campaign Finance?"

John Samples offers this oped on

"Dean to Propose $250 contribution limit"

A.P. offers this report. UPDATE: See also this Roll Call report (paid subscription required) and this report in The Hill.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax