Subject: news of the day 1/23/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 1/23/2004, 8:11 AM
To: election-law

"Report Says Most Voting Systems Unchanged"

See this A.P. report. The report itself, from, is available here.

Another Paul Krugman column on voting technology

See here.

Is BCRA putting a wedge between local and national political parties?

For an opinion piece saying yes, see here.

More on "Stand By Your Ad"

Before the Supreme Court decided the McConnell case, I questioned here the constitutionality of BCRA's section 311, the "stand by your ad" provision that requires a candidate to say on camera on a broadcast ad that he or she authorized the ad. In particular I questioned whether this provision by compelling speech by the candidate (as opposed to merely requiring disclosure of authorization or funding) was constitutional under the First Amendment, particularly because the purpose of the provision appeared to be to limit the amount of negative advertising, which I take to be an unconstitutional purpose.

In the McConnell case, the Court summarily upheld section 311 against constitutional challenge (it was part of Chief Justice Rehnquist's holding for the Court). Here is the entire analysis:

It is not clear to me that plaintiffs in a future case could still challenge section 311 on the bases I suggest. But there is some evidence that 311--if intended to curb negative advertising---may indeed have that effect. See this report by Ryan Lizza on a New Republic campaign website (scroll down to "drive by shootings").

Garrett on the California Recall

Beth Garrett has posted Democracy in the Wake of the California Recall on SSRN. It is part of the upcoming election law symposium at Penn Law School. Here is the abstract:

Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax