Subject: news of the day 1/29/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 1/29/2004, 7:27 AM
To: election-law

"Watchdogs Doggedly Pursue the Truth"

Back on January 20, Roll Call offered this report on campaign finance and other reform organizations in Washington, D.C. (paid subscription required).

"Lawyer challenges governor on loan; He contends Schwarzenegger lied about plan to repay money."

The Sacramento Bee offers this report.

"Election-law Experts Say Greens Will Get Party Ballot"

See this news from the Billings (Montana) Gazette.

"Voter Outreach, Door by Door"

In These Times offers this report on activities of Democratic-leaning 527s.

"Hynes says charge that he laundered funds ridiculous"

The Chicago Tribune offers this report (subscription required).

"The Double Bind on Special Interests"

Joan Vennochi offers this Boston Globe oped on Democratic funding for its 2004 convention in Boston.

How would Bush v. Kerry Be Decided in the Supreme Court?

See this cartoon in Roll Call (paid subsciption required).

"Level Paying Field"

Slate has just posted my article, Level Paying Field: The law may allow ads attacking the Democratic presidential nominee to go unanswered. It deals with McCain-Feingold, 527s and the Federal Election Commission's potentially pivotal role in the upcoming presidential election.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax