Subject: more news
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 2/2/2004, 12:26 PM
To: "" <>

Bopp Letter on 527s

Jim Bopp has published the following letter in Roll Call. It does not appear on the newspaper's website, but here it is (with permission of Roll Call):

Felon Disenfranchisement and Redistricting

Rosanna Taormina, who has been coordinating the Penn law review symposium that I will be attending at the end of the week (some draft symposium papers available here), has published a student note, Defying One-Person, One Vote: Prisoners and the "Usual Residence" Principle, 152 U. Pa. L. Rev. 431 (2003). From the introduction:

Bush v. Gore and the Death Penalty

From Howard Bashman's very informative 20 Questions for the Appellate Judge interview with Ninth Circuit judge Stephen Reinhardt: "If the Constitution does not tolerate inequalities in the standards used to recount ballots in a presidential election, it certainly should not tolerate disparities in the administration of the capital system that are far more troubling and consequential. It was a recognition of these truths that led Justice Blackmun to shun forever 'tinker[ing] with the machinery of death.'"

(Congratulations to Howard, by the way, for his transition to a new appellate practice. As a former appellate practitioner at the top California appellate boutique, I can attest to the great benefits of having a practice devoted to this area.)

New Reports Cast Doubt on Internet Voting

The Christian Science Monitor offers this report. Thanks to David Ettinger for the pointer.

More Coverage of Electronic Voting controversies

The San Jose Mercury News had extensive coverage of the issue yesterday here, here, and an editorial here. Thanks to Dennis Paul for the pointers.

New Complaint Against Arizona Public Financing System

I have posted here a copy of a new complaint that has been filed challenging the Arizona public financing system. Prior attempts to challenge the system have failed, as detailed here at page 129.
Professor Rick Hasen 
Loyola Law School 
919 South Albany Street 
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