-------- Original Message --------
The United States Department of State Bureau of International Information
Programs (IIP) is actively seeking an American citizen political scientist
to lecture in the Philippines for two weeks as soon as possible under the
auspices of the Department's U.S. Speaker/Specialist Program.
Purpose of the program: There is general frustration in Philippine society
with politicians and the current political process. Although the public has
taken to the streets to throw out two presidents, civil society
organizations are eager to develop strategies that will hold politicians
accountable and enhance the substance of political campaigns.
Audience: The speaker will interact with young leaders from the government,
the civil society, academia, and media. The speaker will also address
multi-sectoral audiences both in and outside Manila in public forums. In
additions, the U.S. Embassy in Manila will arrange TV interviews and
interaction with print journalists. Outside of Manila, the Embassy's
network of American Studies Resource Centers will make program arrangements.
Proposed Topics: We would expect the speaker to share his or her expertise
on pre-electoral issues, such as the role of political parties, the
qualifications of candidates, enfranchisement or disenfranchisement of
voters and campaign financing. The topic will also encompass the mechanisms
for ensuring an honest and credible conduct of the elections. Lastly, we
would like the speaker to discuss the monitoring of the performance of
elected officials..
Who We Are Looking For: We are seeking a dynamic and articulate speaker who
specializes in these topics and belongs to a leading think tank or academic
institution. While U.S. experience will be a vital input to the
discussions, we would like the specialist, if possible, to possess expertise
on other countries. Knowledge of democratic processes in Latin America
would be especially relevant for the Latin-Asian Philippines.
We would like our selected candidate to be able to depart the U.S. as soon
as possible and spend from 10-14 days in the Philippines. We will need a
copy of the speaker's updated resume, suggested titles and topics for
presentations and copies of recent articles.
Please direct all inquiries to:
John J. Jasik, Jr.
Program Development Officer
Office of Democracy and Human Rights Information (IIP/T/DHR)
Office of Thematic Programs
Bureau of International Information Programs
United States Department of State
SA-44 - 301-4th St., SW. - 4 North
Washington, D.C. 20547-0001
Office Phone Number: (202) 619-4726
Office Fax Number: (202) 619-6520
Office E-Mail Address: jasikjj@state.gov
Telecommuting Days: Every Monday and Friday
Home Phone Number: (703) 751-9145
Cellular Phone Number: (703) 966-2635
Home E-Mail Address: jjasik@aol.com
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax