Subject: list housekeeping/news of the day 2/9/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 2/9/2004, 7:44 AM
To: election-law


Just a reminder to keep your virus software up to date.  In the last few weeks, Dan Lowenstein and I, as managers of the list, have received hundreds of messages bounced from the Loyola listserver attempting to send a virus to the list.  You will recall that one of these messages got through last week.  (The message, though it appeared to come from list member Ned Foley, in fact did not come from him.) 

And while we are on the subject of bounce messages, please be sure that your accounts do not go over quota.  Many of you have your e-mail forwarded to a second account, and let that account go over quota.  When that happens, Dan and I receive an error message each time someone posts to the list and a message gets forwarded to an over-quota account. 

Please do what you can to keep our administrative time on this to a minimum.


"Reform Oriented 527 Organization Teams Up with ACT"

Roll Call offers this report (paid registration required). Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the article is the fact that Senator McCain has come out against fundraising by 527s intended to influence the outcome of federal elections:

"Political Signs Skip Word, Break Law"

See this report in the Dayton Daily News. Presumably the Ohio law at issue is designed to prevent misleading speech. Is it constitutional? Bill Marshall presented a very interesting paper at the Penn symposium this weekend on the constitutionality of regulating false campaign speech, and the arguments for regulating false speech could perhaps be extended to misleading speech as well. I have always been skeptical of laws regulating misleading speech.

"Decision Postponed on Election Spending"

The Los Angeles Times offered this report on February 6 regarding the decision of the Federal Election Commission to postpone consideration of an advisory opinion on the raising of money by so-called 527 organizations. See also this A.P. report from February 5.

"Politicking Without Soft Money"

The Star-Ledger (New Jersey) offers this report.

"McCain-Feingold Helps GOP"

The Washington Post offered this report on Friday.

"Reform Must Go Beyond Campaign Funding"

Aaron Goode offers this column in the Yale Daily News.

"Jury Still Out on 'Approved' Campaign Ads"

Dawn Turner Trice's Chicago Tribune column with this title is here. See also this A.P. story. You can find links to my earlier coverage on the constitutionality of this "Stand By Your Ad" provision of McCain-Feingold here.

"Confusing Campaign 'Reform' Laws are the Real Absurdity"

Dan Walters Sacramento Bee column with this title is here.

Tokaji Blog

Dan Tokaji of Ohio State has begun the Equal Vote blog, dedicated to civil rights and voting technology issues, particularly issues related to electronic voting. I know Dan from his days at the ACLU in Southern California. He is smart and thoughtful. This should be very good. I have added a link to Dan on the right side of this blog.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax