Subject: Re: Fundraising by 527s
From: "Thomas Mann" <>
Date: 2/10/2004, 12:21 PM

And that fundraising by 527s pales in comparison with what the parties
have been able to raise in hard-money only.  Talk about hype!

<> 02/10/04 02:33PM >>>
Since the role of soft money fundraising by Section 527s has been such
controversial topic, I thought it significant to point out the actual
figures for these groups in 2003. Despite the Center for Public
sensational headline on their press release -- "Political Nonprofits
Rake in 
Donations at a Record Pace, from Left to Right" -- the actual numbers
the study 
reports is that 527s raised $86 million in 2003, as opposed to raising
million in 2001. In other words, 527s have not been able to raise more
soft money 
under BCRA, even with the grand proclamations of George Soros, at least
not to 

Craig Holman, Ph.D.
Public Citizen
215 Pennsylvania Ave., SE
Washington, D.C. 20003
TEL: 202-454-5182
FAX: 202-547-7392