Subject: more news
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 3/5/2004, 8:38 PM
To: election-law

Where is Mitch McConnell, Speaking Out on Free Speech Rights?

A.P. offers GOP Wants Ads That Criticize Bush Pulled. It begins: "The Republican National Committee on Friday asked about 250 television stations to pull a liberal group's ads critical of President Bush. The RNC sent the stations a letter Friday suggesting the outlets may be complicit in breaking campaign finance laws if they air the Voter Fund ads. It asked them to decline to broadcast the ads." Many praised Republican FEC Chair Brad Smith for sticking with principles by not reading the Supreme Court's McConnell opinion to reach independent group expenditures. Will Senator McConnell take a similar stand?

Fascinating Election Law Controversy from the 1800 Election

Bruce Ackerman and David Fontana have written, "How Jefferson Counted Himself In; Something was funny about the Georgia ballot during the 1800 election. Did Thomas Jefferson act properly in making himself President in 1801? A historical detective story." This appears in the March 2004 issue of The Atlantic, beginning at page 84. (It is not available online for nonsubscribers.) A longer version of the article will appear in the Virginia Law Review. The article is of more than historical interest, as the end of the article makes clear. A must read.

California Secretary of State and Four Counties to Be Sued Monday for Violating Voting Rights of the Disabled

A coalition of disabilty rights groups will be filing a suit on Monday. Here are some details from the press release:

Note: I have nothing to with this lawsuit; the Western Center for Disability Rights is housed at Loyola Law School.

Common Cause Comes Out for Electronic Voting Paper Trail

See their statement here.

"FEC, Nonprofits at Odds Over Proposed Changes to Regulations"

Roll Call offers this breaking news report. (Paid registration required.)

Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax