Subject: news of the day 3/11/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 3/11/2004, 7:47 AM
To: election-law

"Klayman Watch"

The Nation offers this report, which begins: "did Larry Klayman, the conservative lawyer/provocateur who spent much of the 1990s suing Clinton-related targets via his Judicial Watch and accusing the Bill-and-Hillary crowd of vast corruptions, recently try to skirt campaign-finance law to obtain an illegal million-dollar boost for his back-of-the-pack US Senate campaign in Florida?"

'In White House Race, Kerry's $75 M Won't Equal Bush's $75 M

Stuart Rothenberg offers this oped at Roll Call, which begins: "While most political reporters, television producers and political insiders are focusing on the Bush campaign’s huge war chest and financial advantage in the pre-convention period, they have overlooked a potentially more interesting story: the Bush campaign’s financial positioning for the general election. Although the presidential nominee of each major party receives $74.6 million in public funds for the general election, the Kerry campaign will actually already be at a financial disadvantage by the time both parties have formally nominate their candidates. The discrepancy follows from the fact that Democratic Sen. John Kerry (Mass.) will receive his $74.6 million as soon as he officially becomes the Democratic nominee on the evening of Wednesday, July 28, while President Bush will receive his $74.6 million on the evening of Sept. 1. "

Coverage of Yesterday's 527 Hearing and Related News

The Washington Post; New York Times; PoliticsNH; The Independent (UK); Cox News Service; Mother Jones; Washington Times; Roll Call (registration required).
The New York Times also issued this editorial.

"Legal Threats Fly as Shadow Groups Kick Off Operations"

The Hill offers this report. I would appreciate a link to or copy of the letter if one is available.

"Sens. Push Law for Receipt of Votes Cast"

A.P. offers this report. Thanks to Dan Tokaji for the the pointer.

Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax