Subject: news of the day 3/18/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 3/18/2004, 9:09 AM
To: election-law

Programming Note

I'll be taking a few days off. Blogging will resume Monday.

Primary Confusion in Washington State

See this report in The Olympian, which begins: "Just when the future of voting in Washington's primary election couldn't get anymore confusing, it has."

The Anonymity Costs of Disclosing Small Donations

I'm all for disclosure of major contributors and spenders in federal campaigns, but every once and a while I'm reminded of the privacy costs that come from disclosing the identity of small contributors. The last time was when I read William McGeveran's fine article on the topic. Now comes a link from the excellent website Political Wire to Fundrace 2004's Neighbor Search. Just plug in your home address and find all of your neighbors who have given as little as $200 to a presidential candidate. I found out a number of interesting things about my neighbors through this simple search.

"289 blank ballots found in Palm Beach County's electronic voting machines"

Florida's Sun-Sentinel offers this report, which begins: "At least 289 Palm Beach County residents cast blank votes in the March 9 Democratic presidential primary election -- even though it was the only race on their ballots." Thanks to Dan Smith for the pointer.

Colorado Election Law Case

The Denver Post offers Court to Hear Election Law Appeal, which begins: "The Colorado Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal by Treasurer Mike Coffman of a lawsuit accusing him of violating a state election law by inappropriately using his office resources to campaign against a ballot initiative." Thanks to Ed Feigenbaum for the pointer.

"'527s': A New Way to Purchase Politicians"

The National Catholic Reporter offers this editorial.

"McCain-Feingold Helps the Little Guy"

Christopher Hayes offers this opinion piece on, about the Millionaire's Amendment's role in the Illinois Senate race.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax