Subject: news of the day 3/24/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 3/24/2004, 8:32 AM
To: election-law

Note: I'll be presenting a workshop at Indiana Friday, so News of the Day will resume Monday.  I'll offer sporadic postings on my blog in the interim.

"Election Reform Funds About to Be Sent to States" offers this report. (Link via

Weintraub on McConnell

The publishers of the Election Law Journal have made FEC Vice Chair Ellen Weintraub's contribution to the symposium on McConnell v. FEC available without charge at this link. View the entire table of contents, including some other free articles from the issue, here. To order the entire issue, or to subscribe to the journal, see here.

More Bauer on Corrado, Malbin

See here.

"FundRace Shows Neighbors Political Contributions"

See this CNET report. For my earlier coverage of this issue, see here.

"Democratic Spending Is Team Effort; Groups' Ads Level Field for Kerry"

The Washington Post offers this report.

Election Assistance Commission Holds First Public Meeting; Plans Hearing on Security of Electronic Voting

I've posted the press release here. Thanks to Dan Tokaji for the file and the pointer.

Pildes Gets Harvard Offer

Noted election law scholar Rick Pildes, currently at NYU and formerly of Michigan, has been given an offer to join Harvard Law School. Details via Brian Leiter. As anyone in the field knows, Pildes's work, particularly in the area of voting rights, has been very influential not only in academia, but before the Supreme Court. Congratulations.

"'Just Democracy' Project Seeks to Provide Clear Path to the Ballot"

Harvard Law School has posted this press release, which begins: "In an effort to prevent the confusion and mistakes that marked the 2000 election, a group of Harvard Law School students has launched a project to ensure that 2004 presidential election voters are given proper access to the ballot. The new group, Just Democracy, plans to recruit and place more than 1,000 law students with expertise in election law at what they believe could be high-risk polling places around the nation."

The group's website is here. If you are interested in starting a chapter at your law school, see here.

California Secretary of State's Voting Systems and Procedures Panel Meeting Agenda

The VSP panel will meet on April 21 and 22nd. Among the items on the agenda is the Diebold investigation. I have posted the entire agenda here.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax