Dear Colleagues
(I apologize for multiple postings)
Some self promotion: I have finished the FINAL version of my new text, Analyzing Elections, and the publisher (W.W. Norton) promises that it will go immediately into copy editing. For a link to the text, see below. The text incorporates recent events such as the recall election in California, the 2004 presidential primaries, the controversies over middecade congressional districting, the latest in campaign finance regulation, and current issues in minority representation. If you are looking for something that is both up to date on current political science theory of the electoral process as well, then you might find it of interest for students and yourself this summer and fall as the presidential election process gets even hotter. Note that I thank very much those of you who gave me comments on the earlier version, especially Richard Winger and Steve Voss (although I expect Steve may not be satisfied with my response on that, but we can talk about that later). Becky
R. B. Morton
Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Politics
New York University
715 Broadway, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10003-6806
voice: 212-998-3706
sec: 212-998-8500
fax: 212-995-4184
Directions to my office:
Easy choice: Enter at 418 Lafayette & take elevator to 7th floor.
Harder choice: Enter at 726 Broadway & take elevator to 6th floor.
Take door on left, hidden stairs on right to 7th floor.
Either way, my office is in room 748
or you can get help at the front desk.