Subject: news of the day 4/20/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 4/20/2004, 7:33 AM
To: election-law

"Western Democrats Eye Revival"

Roll Call offers this article (paid subscription required), which begins: "A new regional party committee called Democrats for the West is seeking guidance from the Federal Election Commission on how the 527 group fits into the campaign finance regulatory scheme and whether the group — spearheaded by a coalition of nine Democratic state party committees — will be able to raise both soft and hard money."

"Diebold Knew of Legal Risks"

The Oakland Tribune offers this report, with the following subhead: "Attorneys warned firm that use of uncertified vote-counting software violated state law."

"Bush Campaign Spent $50 Million in March"

The Washington Post offers this report, which begins: "President Bush's campaign spent roughly twice as much as it raised last month, using up nearly $50 million as the Republican rolled out his first wave of campaign ads to counter John Kerry's surge as he emerged from the Democratic primaries."

"Court Rejects Dems Appeal"

The Houston Chronicle offers this report. Link via How Appealing at its new address:

Another ballot order lawsuit

See this report from the April 16 Boston Globe.

"New Fundraising Rules Bring Lobbyists to the Fore"

The New York Times offers this report.

Washington Post story on Texas redistricting case

It is here.

Department of Corrections

Serves me right to blog before ingesting caffiene. In addition to the problem noted in the post on the Texas case, here are two more corrections.

1. The Nader article linked to the other day at this post now works.

2. The Notre Dame conference on my book, The Supreme Court and Election Law, is on Friday, April 23, not April 22 as initially noted in this post.

Bauer on Smith-Noble exchange

I noted here the testy exchange between FEC chair Brad Smith and the Center for Responsive Politic's Larry Noble. Bob Bauer weighs in here on the substance of the exchange between the parties.

Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax