Subject: news of the day 4/22/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 4/22/2004, 7:27 AM
To: election-law

Programming Note

Off to the Notre Dame symposium. Regular programming resumes Monday.

"Bill to ID Judicial Donors Gets Big Push"

The Cincinnati Enquirer offers this report.

"Diebold Apologizes for Failure"

The Oakland Tribune offers this report, which also covers a hearing on electronic voting machines by the California Secretary of State. In related news, the Tribune also offers Judge: Tribune Must Turn Over Legal Memos.

U Mass Center for Public Policy Releases Report on Maine's "Clean Money" Public Financing System

See this report by Ray LaRaja.

"Push for Voting Changes May Not Cure All Ills"

The Wall Street Journal offers this report, as well as an interactive 50-state map of election procedures and machinery in the 50 states. Thanks to Steven Sholk for the link.

"Money Screams"

Dan Kennedy offers these thoughts in the Boston Phoenix, with the following subhead: "Thirty years of campaign-finance reform have brought us confusion, loopholes, cynicism, and an erosion of free speech. It’s time to try something new." It has a very interesting discussion of's 527.

"Will California Voters Protect Political Minorities?"

Richard Winger offers this oped in the San Diego Daily Transcript (paid subscription required).

Another Great Election Law Hire

Widener University has hired Michael Dimino, who will be teaching election law in the fall.

"New Voting Equipment Didn't Pass State Muster"

The Indianapolis Star offers this report, which begins: "Marion County's optical-scan voting system was not ready for its debut last fall because it used unapproved software the manufacturer later tried to replace in a cover-up, Marion County Clerk Doris Anne Sadler said Tuesday. The revelation, which came two weeks before the May 4 primaries, raised questions about the Omaha-based company, Election Systems & Software, that provides voting equipment to 41 counties and more than half of Indiana's registered voters." Thanks to Rick Dietz for the pointer.

Another Great Entry Level Election Law scholar

Beth Garrett tells me that Michael Kang will be going to Emory next year.

"Candidates' Cash Gap Narrows"

The Wall Street Journal offers this report. Thanks to Steven Sholk for the link.

Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax