Subject: while we're waiting for the actual vieth opinion...
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 4/28/2004, 7:32 AM
To: election-law

some news of the day:

Stand By Your (Phone?) Ad

See this report out of South Dakota.

"Justice Department Reviewing Aschroft; FEC Data Pointed to Possible Violations"

The Washington Post offers this report.

"McCain-Feingold's Internet Loophole"

Chris Sullentrop offers this report on Slate.

Columbia Journalism Review Website Asks for More Press Coverage of the 527 Issue

The Campaign Desk website of the Columbia Journalism Review offers this posting, which begins: "A largely behind-the-scenes lobbying effort is underway that could affect the manner in which campaigns are financed during this election, and many to come. That effort may also have the unintended effect of rocking the non-profit world to its very foundations."

Punch Card Errors and the Schwartzman Effect

Readers who remember this post about errors in the California recall election may wish to look at this working paper, Do Punch Cards Promote Voter Error? Evidence from the California Recall Election by Thomas S. Dee of Swarthmore College. Here is the abstract:

"Old New Voting Machine, Same Old Fraud"

I usually don't link to international election law issues (for example, I've been ignoring election controversies currently brewing in Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, Iran and Iraq). But this story out of India in today's New York Times is worth reading to put into perspective some of the voting problems in the United States.

Bauer on Party Independent Spending

Responding to this post, Bob Bauer writes here on independent party spending post-BCRA.

Guy Charles on the Constitutionality of Limiting Contributions to 527s

See his Findlaw column here.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax