Subject: more news
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 5/3/2004, 5:51 PM
To: "" <>

Programming Note

I'll be away from e-mail and the internet until Thursday evening.

Glass on Vieth

Andrew Glass offers this oped in The Hill.

Two From Mother Jones on Campaign Finance

See here and here.

"E-Voting Oversight Overwhelms U.S. Agency"

A.P. offers this report.

Orr on Australian Electoral Systems

Graeme Orr, for the Democratic Audit of Australia (out of ANU), has published "Australian Electoral Systems---How Well Do They Serve Political Equality?"

Professor Rick Hasen 
Loyola Law School 
919 South Albany Street 
Los Angeles, CA  90015-0019 
(213)736-1466 - voice 
(213)380-3769 - fax