Subject: news of the day 5/7/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 5/7/2004, 8:23 AM
To: election-law

"Supreme Court Backs Up in Redistricting Dispute"

USA Today offers this report.

"Partisan Redistricting Turns Democracy into a Mirage"

Steve Chapman offers this oped.

"States Order Felons Off Rolls"

See this news out of Florida.

"Bush, Kerry Awash in Money"

The Los Angeles Times offers this report.

"Arizona Tries New Approach to Campaign Financing"

NPR offers this audio report.

"Plugging a Big Leak"

The Christian Science Monitor offers this editorial on 527s.

"Parties Eye New Campaign Option"

The Washington Times offers this report.

"Liberal Net Rules Spawn Political Attack Ads"

CNET's offers this report.

More on Charities and Politicians

See this Washington Post report.

"2-for-1 Voting"

Bruce Ackerman offers this oped in the New York Times on an electoral strategy for Ralph Nader.

Bauer-Lederman Debate on Thomas-Toner Proposal on 527 regulation

See here.

Tokaji on Electronic Voting

Anyone interested in hearing the other side of the electronic voting debate should surf on over to Dan Tokaji's Equal Vote blog. Recent posts include excerpts from Dan's testimony to the Election Assistance Commssion, excerpts from his recent Daily Journal oped, and commentary on Riverside County's recently-filed lawsuit against California's Secretary of State to keep its electronic voting. The Los Angeles Times story on the lawsuit is here.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax