Are you working on an book manuscript now or over the summer in the
areas of law, criminal justice, media and popular culture, or American
politics? If so, please keep Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., in mind.
Call for Manuscripts
Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. seeks book manuscripts and proposals
for five series that publish in American politics, criminal justice, law
and politics, and media studies.
The publisher and editors of the series are strongly committed
to building Peter Lang Publishing's collection of scholarly and
classroom books. Peter Lang Publishing and the series editors are
dedicated to publishing a quality line of books, as well as vigorous
sales and aggressive promotion of all the manuscripts in these series.
Manuscripts are being sought for five series: Popular Politics
and Governance in America; Studies in Crime and Punishment; Politics,
Media, and Popular Culture; Teaching Texts in Law and Politics; and
Studies in Law and Politics.
Series descriptions and editor contact information are noted
below, or you may contact Phyllis Korper, Acquisition Editor, Peter Lang
Publishing, Inc., 275 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001,, phone 212.647.7700, fax 212.647.7707.
Popular Politics and Governance in America
Edited by Steven E. Schier, Carleton College
Popular Politics and Governance in America is a new political
science series publishing scholarly and teaching materials about the
processes of popular politics and the operations of governmental
institutions at both the national and state levels. The series
will publish studies of parties, interest groups, elections, public
opinion, chief executives, legislatures and the bureaucracy.
Works in this series will employ qualitative and quantitative
analysis in fashions primarily but not exclusively appropriate for
undergraduate classrooms. Many titles in this series will also appeal
to graduate and professional audiences. Peter Lang publishers view this
new series as a "flagship" among their several current series that have
published many good works in political science.
The publisher will promote titles in this series extensively
through advertising in magazines, journals and at professional meetings,
direct mail, and a wide-ranging distribution of examination copies.
Submission of single author studies, multiple author studies, and
collections of essays are invited.
Contact Steven E. Schier via e-mail at, by
telephone at507-646-4118, via fax at 507-646-5615 or by writing him c/o
Political Science Department, Carleton College, One North College
Street, Northfield, MN, 55057.
Studies in Crime and Punishment
Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. seeks book manuscripts and proposals for its
series Studies in Crime and Punishment.
Series Editors: Christina DeJong, Michigan State University
David Schultz., Hamline University
Studies in Crime and Punishment is a multidisciplinary series
that publishes scholarly and teaching materials from a wide range of
theoretical and methodological perspectives and explores crime and
punishment issues from a single nation or comparative perspective.
Subject areas to be addressed in this series include, but will not be
limited to: criminology, sentencing and incarceration, policing, law and
the courts, juvenile crime, alternative sentencing methods and
restorative justice, criminological research methods, victimology, and
media, crime and justice.
Submission of single-author and collaborative studies, as well as
collections of essays are invited.
Contact Christina DeJong via e-mail at, by telephone at 517.432.1998, fax at
517.432.1787, or mail c/o School of Criminal Justice, 560 Baker Hall,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1118.
Contact David Schultz via e-mail at, by
telephone at 651.523.2858, fax at 651.523.2987, or mail c/o Hamline
University, Graduate School of Public Administration and Management,
1536 Hewitt Avenue, MS-A1740, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55104.
Politics, Media, and Popular Culture
Edited by David Schultz, Hamline University
Politics, Media, and Popular Culture publishes scholarly and
teaching materials that examine the ways politics, the media, and
popular culture interact and influence social and political behavior.
Subject matters to be addressed in this series include the media
and politics; political communication; television, politics, and mass
culture; mass media and political behavior; and politics and alternative
media and telecommunications such as computers.
Contact David Schultz via e-mail at, by
telephone at 651.523.2858, fax at 651.523.2987, or mail c/o Hamline
University, Graduate School of Public Administration and Management,
1536 Hewitt Avenue, MS-A1740, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55104.
Teaching Texts in Law and Politics
and Studies in Law and Politics
Edited by David Schultz, Hamline University
Teaching Texts in Law and Politics and Studies in Law and
Politics publishes textbooks and monographs that explore the
multidimensional and multidisciplinary areas of law and politics.
Subject matters addressed in these series include, but are not
be limited to: constitutional law; civil rights and liberties issues;
law, race, gender, and gender orientation studies; law and ethics; women
and the law; judicial behavior and decision-making; legal theory;
comparative legal systems; criminal justice; courts and the political
process; and other topics on the law the political process that would be
of interest to undergraduate curriculum and education.
Submission of single-author and collaborative studies, as well
as collections of essays are invited.
Contact David Schultz via e-mail at, by
telephone at 651.523.2858, fax at 651.523.2987, or mail c/o Hamline
University, Graduate School of Public Administration and Management,
1536 Hewitt Avenue, MS-A1740, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55104.
David Schultz, Professor
Hamline University
Graduate School of Public
Administration and Management
1536 Hewitt Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
651.523.2858 (voice)
651.523.3098 (fax)