Subject: Director of FEC Watch
From: "Larry Noble" <>
Date: 5/27/2004, 10:27 AM

The non-partisan, non-profit Center for Responsive Politics is looking to
hire an attorney with experience in campaign finance law to direct its FEC
Watch project. Duties include: (1) Tracking the activities of the Federal
Election Commission, IRS and ethics committees; (2) Submitting comments on
agency rulemakings and advisory opinions; (3) Testifying at FEC hearings;
(4) Drafting complaints regarding alleged violations of the campaign finance
laws; (5) Filing amicus curiae briefs in FEC litigation; (6) Interacting
with the news media; (7) Maintaining project web site; and (8) Assisting
with foundation fundraising for project, writing grant proposals and grant
reports. Knowledge of the campaign finance laws, excellent written and oral
advocacy skills, and experience with federal agency policymaking processes
is required. Experience dealing with the news media also preferred. Anyone
interested can send resume and cover letter to; fax to
202-857-7809; mail to Jobs, Center for Responsive Politics; 1101 14th Street
NW, Suite 1030, Washington, DC 20005

Lawrence Noble
Executive Director
Center for Responsive Politics
1101 14th St. NW, Suite 1030
Washington D.C. 20005
Tel:  202-354-0108
Fax: 202-857-7809