I suspect if a public opinion poll were taken of
Illinois voters, and voters were told that Illinois is
the only state that has a deadline for a qualified
party to certify the names of its presidential & v-p
candidates earlier than September 2, a majority of
voters would say that the Illinois deadline is silly
and should be changed.
There are many good public policy reasons to let
parties have the flexibility to delay choosing their
presidential & v-p candidates until 60 days before the
general election. Great events in history occur
unpredictably and randomly, and the more flexibility
parties have, the better. Remember 1972, when the
Democrats nominated in July and found out afterwards
that Senator Eagleton had had electro-shock therapy
for depression? I'm not saying Eagleton wouldn't have
been a good vice-president or president, but Eagleton
chose to resign from the ticket in August, and all
states were flexible enough to let the Democratic
national committee choose Sargent Shriver as the new
vice-presidential candidate.
--- Jeffrey MA Hauser <jmh248@nyu.edu> wrote
1. But the law at issue is one that is supported by
these very same voters.
2. Your viewpoint would not only reward gaming of the
system, but would reward someone whose post-election
behavior in 2000 is entirely at odds with a robust
appreciation for the intent of votyers.
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