Subject: news of the day 6/15/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 6/15/2004, 7:42 AM
To: election-law

Initiative to Allocate Colorado's Electoral Votes Proportionally

The Denver Post offers this report, which notes: "If approved Nov. 2, the constitutional amendment would affect this year's choice for president by immediately permitting the division of Colorado electoral votes. And it would mark the most ambitious Electoral College reform yet in the nation."

"Calif. Won't Let 17-Year-Olds Vote"

A.P. offers this report.

"State Elections Likely to Renew Redistricting Fight"

WSBTV (Georgia) offers this report, noting that the Supreme Court has not yet ruled on the cert petition in Larios v. Cox.

Winks and Nods

Yesterday, the Washington Post offered an editorial, "No Winks or Nods," on the 527 issue. Today Bob Bauer responds with his own post, "Outrageous."

"Illegal Pleas for Illegal Cash"

The Deseret News (Utah) offers this report, which begins: "As Rep. Chris Cannon sat by, one of his aides urged any illegal aliens listening to a Spanish-language radio talk show to funnel money into his campaign by giving it to U.S. citizens who could donate it legally."

"Electoral-College Reform Requires Change in Timing"

Leonard Shambon offers this Roll Call oped. Shambon also is the author of "Implementing the Help America Vote Act," an article that will appear in the next issue of the Election Law Journal.

A connection between Bush v. Gore and the Pledge case?

Linda Greenhouse sees one here (page 2).

"He Pushed the Hot Button of Touch-Screen Voting"

The New York Times offers this report.

Why Right-Leaning 527s might not be doing as well as those on the left

David Keene writes here in The Hill, offering the following theory:

I wonder if one considered giving as well to 501(c)s that are engaged in election-related activities (see here) if the picture would look so imbalanced.

Sager on NY campaign finance system

Ryan Sager offers this New York Post column, criticizing New York's public financing system for city campaigns.

Bauer on the health of American democracy

See here.

Newspaper series on redistricting

The Fresno Bee has run a series of articles on redistricting entitled "Drawing a Line." You can access the main page here. Thanks to Sam Hirsch for the pointer.

No Ruling in Georgia Redistricting Case

The Court apparently did not rule on Larios v. Cox, even though it was scheduled to be discussed at last week's conference. We'll see if it is relisted.

Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax