Subject: more news
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 6/23/2004, 1:42 PM
To: "" <>

Group Files FEC Complaint Against Michael Moore's new film

Here is the press release. If anyone has a copy of the complaint, please e-mail it, or a link, to me, and I'll post it here as an update.

In the election law mailbag

I received the following reprints recently:

David S. Gamage, Note, Taxing Political Donations: The Case for Corrective Taxes in Campaign Finance, 113 Yale L.J. 1283 (2004).

Craig Holman, The Bipartisan Campagn Reform Act: Limits and Opportunities for Non-Profit Groups in Federal Elections, 31 Northern Kentucky Law Review 243 (2004) [the Holman article is part of a symposium also featuring artiles by Kenneth D. Katkin, James Bopp. Jr. & Richard E. Coleson, and Edward B. Foley]

Daniel P. Tokaji, First Amendment Equal Protection: In Discretion, Inequality, and Participation, 101 Michigan Law Review 2409 (2003).

More Bad Press for Americans Coming Together

A.P. offers Felons Paid in Voter Registration Drive. The lead: "A Democratic group crucial to John Kerry's presidential campaign has paid felons - some convicted of sex offenses, assault and burglary - to conduct door-to-door voter registration drives in at least three election swing states." A key sentence: "Felons on probation or parole are ineligible to vote in many states. Doug Lewis, executive director of the Election Center, which represents election officials, said he is unaware of any laws against felons registering other people to vote."

"Money-Raising Law Confuses Campaigns"

The Palm Beach Post offers this report, which begins: New federal election laws intended to help candidates compete against millionaire opponents spending their own money are proving confusing, unworkable and potentially detrimental to Florida's U.S. Senate campaign. Even officials with the Federal Election Commission acknowledge that the laws are too complex and leave too many questions unanswered." Thanks to Dan Smith for the pointer.

"Kerry's Fundraising Gives Bush a Run for His Money"

NPR offers this audio report.

"Bill Aims to Deny Appointee Kerry Post"

The Boston Globe offers this report. Thanks to Bill McGeveran for the pointer.

"Bush v. Gore Could Happen Again"

Thomas E. Baker offers this Jurist commentary.
Professor Rick Hasen 
Loyola Law School 
919 South Albany Street 
Los Angeles, CA  90015-0019 
(213)736-1466 - voice 
(213)380-3769 - fax