-------- Original Message --------
Steve, in addition to the two major casebooks, try www.ncsl.org, then go to state-federal issues, go to elections and redistricting. All redistricting cases are there in the legal section.
Jeff Wice
Adjunct Professor of Law
Touro Law School
-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Mulroy <smulroy@memphis.edu>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 13:05:10
To:"election-law@majordomo.lls.edu" <election-law@majordomo.lls.edu>
Subject: Recent Cases
I am looking for info on recent Sup Ct (or other important) cases (say, last 6 years or so) on redistricting, Shaw issues.
Also, recent cases addressing alternative electoral systems (limited voting, cumulative voting, choice voting/STV, IRV).
Does anyone have a recommendation regarding a good source which summarizes this?
-- Steven J. Mulroy Assistant Professor University of Memphis School of Law 207 Humphreys Law School Memphis, TN 38152 (901) 678-4494 FAX: (901) 678-5210
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