Subject: news of the day 7/10/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 7/10/2004, 7:47 AM
To: election-law

Will Ralph Nader Be on the Ballot in as Many as 45 States?

See here.

"Suit Alleges Diebold Led County Astray"

The Oakland Tribune offers this report, which begins: "In a lawsuit unsealed Friday, electronic voting critics charge that Diebold Election Systems Inc. gained its first major West Coast sale by misleading Alameda County about the security and legality of its touchscreen voting systems."

"In Senate, the Race for Funds Gets Closer"

The Washington Post offers this report.

Purging African-American, But Not Hispanic, Felons on Voting Lists

See this New York Times report. A few snippets:

"An Umpire Taking Sides"

The New York Times offers this editorial (part of its Making Votes Count series), which begins: "Elections should not be managed by partisan politicians. Right now, a major flaw in the American electoral system is that the top election officers in most states are men and women who are publicly rooting for the Democratic or Republican side. This year in Missouri, it's hard to imagine that voters can have great confidence in the objectivity of the secretary of state, Matt Blunt, who is active in the Bush-Cheney campaign and is himself a candidate for governor. He has insisted on staying on the job, and he has ruled on important election matters in ways that help his own campaign."
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax