Subject: news of the day 7/21/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 7/21/2004, 7:24 AM
To: election-law

"Law violations claimed in Nader's Oregon campaign"

A.P. offers this report.

Dorf on Elections and Terrorism

See his Findlaw column here.

"Democrats Outraising GOP This Year"

The Washington Post offers this report. See also this Wall Street Journal report. See also this Baltimore Sun report.

"San Francisco May Give Foreigners Some Voting Rights"

Reuters offers this report.

New election law article

I just received in the mail a reprint of Stephen A. Siegel, The Conscientious Congressman's Guide to the Electoral Count Act of 1887, 56 Florida Law Review 541 (2004). Let's hope that conscientious members of Congress will not need to consult this article following this year's elections.

Should John Kerry Embrace McCain-Feingold in his Acceptance Speech?

See here.

Kerry to repay personal loan

Details here. Link via

Bob Bauer Petitions FEC to Grant Exception for Ads Promoting Political Documentaries

In light of "Fahrenheit 9/11," this is not surprising. You can find the filing here.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax