Subject: Re: news of the day 7/29/04
From: "Daniel P. Tokaji" <>
Date: 7/29/2004, 12:50 PM
To: Rick Hasen <>, election-law <>

<x-flowed>As Rick anticipated, I've now posted on the status of trial in the ACLU's case regarding Ohio's use of non-notice punch-card and optical-scan voting equipment (in which I'm one of the attorneys for Plaintiffs)

One additional note:  Contrary to some media reports, Plaintiffs were NOT in this trial seeking to have the challenged voting equipment replaced in time for the 2004 election.  In fact, we've acknowledged for several months that it's too late to enjoin the use of this equipment in this year's election.  We instead seek relief by 2005 or, at the latest, 2006.


Daniel P. Tokaji
Assistant Professor of Law
The Ohio State University
Moritz College of Law
55 W. 12th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210
voice:  614-292-6566
fax:  614-688-8422

At 12:45 PM 7/29/2004, Rick Hasen wrote:

Ohio Punch Card Trial Postponed until After Election

A.P. offers <>this report. I expect Dan Tokaji will have more coverage later today <>here.

In somewhat related news, Roll Call (which is evidently free this week to non-subscribers) offers <>Paper Ballot Advocates Plan Ohio Expert Team.
