Subject: RE: Volunteer Initiated Activities
From: "Bauer, Bob-WDC" <>
Date: 8/3/2004, 4:57 AM
To: "'Erick-Woods Erickson '" <>, "' '" <>, "'Election-Law (E-mail) '" <>

 Dangerous stuff: don't do it. (and trust no Republican who tells you that
you can.)

-----Original Message-----
To: Election-Law (E-mail)
Sent: 8/2/2004 2:02 PM
Subject: Volunteer Initiated Activities

Being well behind on my BCRA reading, I thought it best to send a CYA
email out.

A group of local volunteers for Bush-Cheney 2004 contacted me and said
they wanted to go in together to get office space (donated) and phones
(donated) to coordinate local volunteer activity for the campaign, e.g.,
phone banks, neighborhood walks, buying yardsigns to give away.  They
would pay no rent, no utlity bills, and the volunteers would pool money
to buy the yard signs at a bulk rate.

Do y'all have any advice in light of BCRA?

(I promise I'll study up)

Erick-Woods Erickson

Sell & Melton, L.L.P.
Attorneys At Law
P.O. Box 229
Macon, Georgia 31202-0229

p: (478) 746-8521
f: (478) 745-6426

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