Subject: news of the day 8/3/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 8/3/2004, 11:10 AM

New election law articles

Tony Corrado has posted Party Fundraising Success Continues Through Midyear.

Justin Driver has published "Underenfranchisement: Black Voters and the Presidential Nomination Process, 117 Harvard Law Review 2318 (2004) arguing that "Iowa's and New Hampshire's primacy in the presidential nomination process could be challenged under section 2 of the Voting Rights Act as the process underenfranchises black voters."

Beth Garrett has published "The Impact of Bush v. Gore on Future Democratic Politics," in The Future of American Democratic Politics: Principles and Practices (Pomper and Weiner eds. 2003) and "Teaching Legislation: A Conversation," 7 New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy 11 (2003-2004).

Grant Hayden has published "The False Promise of One Person, One Vote," 102 Michigan Law Review 213 (2004).

Heather Lardy has published "Is the a Right Not to Vote?, 24 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 303.

Expensive Redistricting Litigation in Georgia

See here.

" Elections watchdogs nervous over vulnerable electronic voting"

The Florida Sun-Sentinel offers this report. Thanks to for the pointer.

More on the Race of Those on Florida's Felon Disenfranchisement List

See here.

Persily on Redistricting Issues

You can find some very helpful material on redistricting, including some Power Point slides on Vieth, from Penn Law Professor Nate Persily at this link.

Professor Rick Hasen 
Loyola Law School 
919 South Albany Street 
Los Angeles, CA  90015-0019 
(213)736-1466 - voice 
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