Subject: news of the day 8/4/04 / Blogging break
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 8/4/2004, 8:34 AM
To: election-law

Regular Blogging to Resume in September

I'm off to New Zealand, Australia and Hawaii for the rest of the month of August. I'll be giving talks at the University of New South Wales (Sydney) and Griffith University (Brisbane), meeting with people at the Australian Electoral Commission, Marian Sawer of ANU, and Andrew Geddis in New Zealand. This is also part family vacation.

Though I may post once in a while, regular blogging will resume in September. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

"Ballot Issue is Split in Two"

The Sacramento Bee offers this report. [Disclosure: I am working with proponents of Prop. 62.]

Two By Overton

Spencer Overton has posted Restraint and Responsibility: Judicial Review of Campaign Reform, Washington & Lee Law Review, Vol. 61, p. 663, May 2004. The abstract:

He has also posted The Donor Class: Campaign Finance, Democracy, and Participation, forthcoming University of Pennsylvania Law Review:

"Fund Raising Empowers Incumbents"

The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel offers this report.

Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax