Subject: news of the day 9/3/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 9/3/2004, 8:35 AM
To: election-law

New Money and Politics Blog

Sean Treglia of USC's Annenberg School has started the Money and Politics Blog. Here is his description: "The Money and Politics Blog is dedicated to fostering excellence in media coverage of campaigns, elections, and the role of money in the political process. The materials and commentary included there are designed to illustrate and promote best practices for media coverage of money in politics by highlighting examples of well written or effectively produced stories. The authors of this Web site offer their own opinions and ideas about the various stories highlighted and hope visitors will engage in lively discussion to generate new story leads and ideas and to explore the meaning of best practices."

"Electoral Math Offers a Number of Nightmares"

USA Today offers this report.

"Ads Set to Target Trial Attorneys; But Election Lawyers Wonder Whether they Are Allowed Under McCain-Feingold Law"

The ABA E-Report offers this article. Thanks to Steven Sholk for the pointer.

Eighth Circuit Dismisses Challenge to Minnesota False Speech Case for Lack of Standing

See this opinion issued on August 26 and referenced in today's BNA Money and Politics Report.

"In New Law's Wake, Companies Slash Political Donations"

The Wall Street Journal offers this report. Thanks to Steven Sholk for the link, who also passes along a link to Aging High Court Looms Large.

"New statewide election ordered for Judgeship"

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution offers this report, which begins: "The Georgia Supreme Court took the rare step Thursday of ordering a statewide election be held again. The high court ruled in favor of a legal challenge from Atlanta lawyer Howard Mead, the third-place finisher in the July 20 nonpartisan race for an open seat on the Georgia Court of Appeals. Mead asked for a new election after being misidentified on 481 absentee ballots in Laurens County as 'Thomas Mead.'" Howard Bashman has more links and details here.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax