Subject: news of the day 9/9/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 9/9/2004, 8:02 AM
To: election-law

"Get out the vote now; Bush-Cheney gets businesses’ help in rush to the polls"

The Hill offers this report.

Third Edition of Election Law Casebook Now Available; Teacher's Manual Completed and Will Be Shipping Soon!

The Third Edition of Lowenstein & Hasen, Election Law---Cases and Materials has already shipped to bookstores for those using the casebook this semester. It will go out to other election law professors, along with the just completed teacher's manual, shortly. If you are a professor and need assistance obtaining either the book or manual, send an e-mail to The link above will allow you to order a copy directly from the publisher.

Ohio Marriage Amendment Signature Verification Process

One thing I'll be writing a great deal about on this blog in the coming months is the need for more nonpartisan election administration. Example number one comes by way of Chris Geidner's Law Dork blog. See here.

Two Campaign Finance Papers on SSRN

John M.P. De Figueiredo and Beth Garrett have posted Paying for Politics. Here is the abstract:

Gregory Klass has posted The Very Idea of a First Amendment Right of Compelled Subsidization. Here is the abstract:

Dorf on 527s

See this Findlaw column.

In the election law mailbag

Michael Waterstone has published "Civil Rights and the Administration of Elections---Toward Secret Ballots and Polling Place Access," 8 Journal of Gender, Race & Justice 101 (2004). Ann Laquer Estin has written a response, "Voting Rights and Human Rights: Comments on 'Civil Rights and the Administration of Elections," 8 Journal of Gender, Race & Justice 177 (2004).

The Economist on Electronic Voting in Venezuelan Recall Election

See here. Thanks to Fabrice Lehoucq for the link.

Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax