Subject: more news
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 9/22/2004, 2:52 PM

New Bush Strategy for Coordinated Advertising?

The A.P. offers Bush Team Orchestrates Larger Ad Campaign, which begins: "President Bush's political team is orchestrating a vastly larger advertising campaign than thought possible under federal law, taking control of millions in Republican Party funds simply by inserting the phrase "our leaders in Congress" in selected commercials. The GOP strategy had gone unnoticed for weeks by Sen. John Kerry and the Democrats, who now may abandon their own less-cost-efficient approach to advertising."
No doubt, more on this in coming days as well.

Proposed 527 Legislation

The Campaign Legal Center has assembled these materials on the new legislation proposed by Sens. McCain, Feingold, and Lieberman and Members of Congress Shays and Meehan, intended to rein in 527s.

Two quick reactions:

1. Would reining in 527s simply push activity to 501(c)(3)s and other organizations?

2. Is it constitutional to limit contributions to 527s that engage solely in making independent expenditures? As readers of this blog know, I think this is a very difficult and uncertain question.

More to follow on this proposed legislation in coming days.

"The 527 Factor: It's Big in State Races Too"

The Christian Science Monitor offers this report.

"The Pentagon Doesn't Want You to Vote Overseas" offers this report.

"Activists Revive Fears About Oregon Voting"

The Oregonian
offers this report, with the subhead: "Republican voices lead cries that mail-in ballots are ripe for tampering because they are opened before Election Day." Thanks to Greg Howe for the pointer.
Professor Rick Hasen 
Loyola Law School 
919 South Albany Street 
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