Subject: more news
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 10/20/2004, 4:28 PM
To: election-law

District Court Rejects Ohio Secretary of State's Position on Provisional Balloting, Again

The district court's new order is here. Dan Tokaji has the details here.

"Taking Back the Vote"

Phil Kiesling and Sam Reed offer this New York Times oped, which begins: "With voters and the press fixated on the fiercest presidential race in decades, scant attention has been paid to a political revolution erupting on the West Coast - one that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California gave his support to this week. On Nov. 2, voters in Washington State and California are expected to approve initiatives to abolish the political party primary as we know it. Voters in Oregon may well pass a similar measure by 2006."

Amendment 36 Tanking?

See here.

"Pentagon to Place U.S. Ballot on Internet for Overseas Voters"

The New York Times offers this report.

"Legal Wars Stirring Over Election 2004"

The Christian Science Monitor offers this report.

Felon Voting Cases Listed for Supreme Court conference Nov. 5

The Supreme Court has rescheduled Locke v. Farrakhan for conference
on Nov. 5, along with a New York case on the same issue, Muntaqim v.
Coombe, 04-175. I am predicting a cert. grant in Locke or both cases.

Michigan HAVA decision now available

See here.

Link to my Day to Day Interview

See here.

"Voting on the Electoral College"

The Christian Science Monitor offers this editorial.
Professor Rick Hasen
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-0019
(213)736-1466 - voice
(213)380-3769 - fax