<x-flowed>To read these and earlier stories in full, go to
Desperately seeking ... assistant editors
Votelaw is seeking assistant editors. Hours flexible; pay none;
satisfaction priceless. Necessary qualifications: interest in and
knowledge of election law; ability to use Google; rudimentary knowledge of
HTML; good editorial skills.
For the remainder of the story, go to
Don't sing "those wrong precinct blues"
Many states -- including my own Alabama -- require voters to vote in the
correct polling place, and votes on a provisional ballot in the wrong
polling place will be discarded. (For a handy chart, see
<http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/electionlaw/provisional02.html>Election Law @
Moritz.) To avoid this problem, use the lookup at
<http://www.mypollingplace.com/find.php>MyPollingPlace.com and urge your
friends to do so as well. This site, provided by People for the American
Way Foundation and the Election Protection coalition, includes the address
for the polling place, a map and driving directions, a short list of
voters' rights, and step-by-step instructions for the exact voting
equipment at the polling place.
For the remainder of the story, go to
6th Circuit allows restrictions on Ohio provisional ballots
AP reports: A federal appeals court ruled Saturday that the provisional
ballots Ohio voters cast outside their precincts should not be counted,
throwing out a lower-court decision that said such ballots are valid as
long as they are cast in the correct county.
For the remainder of the story, go to
Election year activities of 501(c)(3) organizations
Steven Sholk emails: I am pleased to announce that an updated version of my
article, "A Guide to Election Year Activities of Section 501(c)(3)
Organizations," has been published by Practising Law Institute as part of
the course handbook for the seminar, "Tax Strategies for Corporate
Acquisitions, Dispositions, Spin-Offs, Joint Ventures, Financings,
Reorganizations & Restructurings 2004."
For the remainder of the story, go to
Edward Still
attorney & mediator
Suite 201
2112 11th Avenue South
Birmingham AL 35205
phone 205-320-2882
fax toll free 1-877-264-5513
Edward Still
attorney and mediator
Suite 201
2112 11th Ave S.
Birmingham AL 35205
phone 205-320-2882
fax toll free 1-877-264-5513