Subject: news of the day 11/2/04 |
From: Rick Hasen |
Date: 11/2/2004, 9:26 AM |
To: election-law |
A.P. offers this report, which begins: "SIOUX FALLS, S.D. - A federal judge partially granted Democratic U.S. Sen. Tom Daschle's request to limit the activities of Republican poll watchers, after he accused his opponent and the GOP of intimidating American Indian voters."
A.P. also has this early report on minor polling place problems.
Howard Bashman links to major news stories on election day legal issues (including a number of now outdated stories on the Sixth Circuit Ohio rulings) here, here, and here. In addition to the stories from this morning that Howard links to, here are some more:
Professor John Nagle has an oped in today's Wall Street Journal, Law Professors are Bad for Democracy (this link is not working for me; it may work for you---thanks to Steven Sholk for passing it along). has a number of election-law related articles posted here.
The Hill offers House Readies for
269-269; GOP Ponders Rule Change in Case the Electoral College Ends Up
Dead Even.
Marc Mauer and Roger Clegg debate felon disenfranchisement this week here
at Legal Affairs.
The Boston Herald offers Most Hoped-for Outcome? A Winner.
The New York Sun offers Hail of Election Writs Descends on Ohio.
Doonesbury weighs in on the armies of lawyers here.
Jack Kemp writes Election Law Armistice.
Andrew Cohen writes Recount Redux?.
The Dallas Morning News offers With finish line in sight, anxiety grows about declaring a winner.
The Globe and Mail (Canada) offers In two key states, they're girding for 2000-style ballot chaos.
The Denver Post offers Election Chief Leaves State.
-- Professor Rick Hasen Loyola Law School 919 South Albany Street Los Angeles, CA 90015-0019 (213)736-1466 - voice (213)380-3769 - fax