Subject: news update 3
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 11/2/2004, 5:38 PM
To: election-law

The polls close in Ohio in 25 minutes, and in Florida in 55 minutes

Any sense of the lines at the polling places now? I'd appreciate hearing reports via e-mail. UPDATE: Don't bother e-mailing. See Democrats ask court to make last-minute paper ballots available; Long lines of voters in Franklin, Knox counties; Bush makes Election Day visit.

Bush v. Gore Equal Protection Standards in Counting Provisional Ballots

OSU is reporting (6:29 pm entry) that a lawsuit has been filed to require the Ohio Secretary of State to promulgate uniform standards for counting provisional ballots lest he run afoul of equal protection standards of Bush v. Gore. With some leaked exit polls showing only a 1% difference between the candidates, this could potentially be a central suit in any post-election Ohio litigation.

Republicans File Suit in Pennsylvania Regarding How to Treat and Count Absentee Ballots

The complaint is here. If granted, it would delay the counting of absentee ballots in Philadephia until Friday.

Vacated Third Circuit Panel Issues Supplemental Opinion Explaining Its Decision

See here.

Sixth Circuit requires Ohio Sec. of State to Give Media Access to Polling Places

See here.

Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax