Subject: Re: exit polls
From: "Abner Greene" <>
Date: 11/3/2004, 1:00 PM

I believe the GOP's initial take on this turns out to be correct:  that
the exit polls were oversampling women voters.  In the Wash. Post this
morning there's a "chart" of the Fla. and Ohio exit polls, showing
precisely this.  Now of course the question is:  why would those doing
exit polls make this mistake?  why wouldn't they correct for the
improper sampling?

Abner Greene

Rick Hasen <> 11/03/04 2:32 PM >>>
The national exit polls were off by 6% points (predicting Kerry with 51%
to Bush's 48% and not the reverse).  What happened to make these so
wildly inaccurate?  They were obviously off for Ohio and Florida as
well, by 4 points each.  I know that Voter News Service was phased out
after mistakes in 2000.  What happened now?