The Common Dreams author cites Dick Morris's allegation of foul play to
bolster his argument that voting machines were hacked in Fla.
Unfortunately for those who would like to believe the author's thesis,
Morris's allegation is that there was foul play in the conduct of the
*exit polls* not in counting the actual votes.
Taylor Lincoln
Senior Researcher
Public Citizen's Congress Watch
Karl Manheim <> 11/08/04 12:48AM >>>
An article on reports the possibility of vote
in Florida. It analyzes significant disparities between party
registrations and votes for Kerry/Bush in counties using optical
scanners, in contrast to counties using touch-screens where those
disparities didn't show up.
See Thom Hartmann, Evidence Mounts That the Vote May Have Been Hacked
<> (Nov. 6, 2004).