Subject: news of the day 12/2/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 12/2/2004, 7:41 AM
To: election-law

San Diego update

See here.

It is Looking More Likely that Gov. Schwarzenegger Will Call for a Special Election to Approve a Ballot Measure Creating a Non-partisan Redistricting Commission

See these front page reports in the LA Times and the Sacramento Bee. Other ballot measures may appear on a special election ballot as well. If this plan goes forward, watch for a pitched battle over an isue I've recently written about: the legality and constitutionality of a new FPPC regulation limiting contributions to candidate-controlled ballot measure campaigns. This would be the first election in which the Gov. would be limited to contributions of $21,200. In the last election, he had many six-figure contributions to his controlled ballot measure committee, including at least three contributors who gave at least $750,000 each.

"Election Reform Plan Calls for A Season of the Vote"

The St. Petersburg Times offers this report. A snippet: "Florida's elections supervisors want to effectively replace Election Day with a period of voting that would last a week or so. If they can persuade skeptical lawmakers to go along, neighborhood voting sites would be a thing of the past."

"Frist Political Fund Can't Cover Bank Loan"

The Washington Post offers this report, which begins: "A campaign fund controlled by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) has lost almost $460,000 in stock market investments since 2000 and now does not have enough to cover a sizable bank loan, according to federal election records and the manager of the Frist account."

"Election Day Hangovers Remain Across USA"

USA Today offers this report, with the following subhead: "Computer glitch, dead heat, recounts and court rulings play part in undecided races."

"Ohio Counties End Official Ballot Counts"

A.P. offers this report.

San Diego County Glitch Responsible for Temporary Rise of Prop. 72

Dan Weintraub has the story here.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 03:51 PM

California Re-Redistricting in 2006?

Don't miss this fascinating column by Dan Walters.

Tokaji News

Dan Tokaji's excellent "Equal Vote" blog has moved here. Change your bookmarks accordingly. He has also published this Findlaw column, "The 2008 Election: Could It Be a Repeat of 2000?"
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax