Subject: news of the day 12/8/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 12/8/2004, 7:56 AM
To: election-law

"New York's Electoral Mess"

The New York Times offers this editorial.

"Court Clears Path for Murphy"

The San Diego Union-Tribune offers this report, with the subhead: "Justices rules suit filed too late; swearing in set for today." I predict further post-certification litigation in the San Diego mayoral election controversy.

"Candidates Officially Request Ohio Recount"

A.P. offers this report. In related news, the Los Angeles Times offers Activists Hold Forum Spotlighting Voting Issues in Presidential Election.

Simultaneous Opening Briefs Filed in Texas Re-Redistricting Cases on Remand

You can find the Jackson Plaintiffs/Democratic Intervenors brief here (see also the accompanying declaration) and the state's brief here. (I will post other briefs if I receive them electronically.) Simultaneous reply briefs are due later this month.

The question is what Vieth means, given Justice Kennedy's concurrence. The Jackson/Democratic Party brief says that upon careful examination of the opinions in Vieth, it has uncovered a standard: five Justices (the four dissenters plus Kennedy) agree that an unconstitutional political gerrymander occurs when three conditions are met:

Unsurprisingly, the state puts Justice Kennedy on the side with the plurality in Vieth as stating that there is no standard for the three-judge court in Texas to apply:

UPDATE: I have now posted the Travis-Austin brief here.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax