Subject: news of the day 12/29/04
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 12/29/2004, 7:49 AM
To: election-law

"Counties opposing GOP call to reopen vote counts"

The Seattle Times offers this report.

L.A. Times Editorial on Washington State Election Controversy

See here.

"Lobbying Tab Is $1.1 Billion for Half a Year"

The Los Angeles Times offers this report, with the subhead: "Special interest groups report expenditures for the first half of 2004. Chamber of Commerce and AMA top the list, with $39 million."

Harwood on McCain-Feingold

In his Wall Street Journal column, John Harwood writes that "Twenty-first century Democrats can compete financially with Republicans."

Puerto Rico Election Dispute Apparently Over

The A.P. reports here that the losing gubernatorial candidate has announced he will not challenge the certification of the vote.

"Media Role in Recount Questioned"

This article appeared originally in the Los Angeles Times on the role of the media in requesting a recount of mayoral votes in San Diego.

"G.O.P. Weighs Next Step After Recount"

The Seattle Times offers this report.

"Ohio Recount Gives Smaller Margin to Bush"

The New York Times offers this report. See also this Washington Post report.

Montana Supreme Court Decides Election Law Issue that Determines the Outcome of State Legislative Race, and Balance in the State Legislature

See Ruling Gives Democrats a Grip on Montana in the New York Times.

Second Circuit Grants Rehearing En Banc in Felon Disenfranchisement Case

Howard Bashman has the details here.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax